European Master’s in Customer Relationship Marketing (MERCURI) - full time master studies

In power from: 20 Feb 2024

Registration criteria

Qualification rules

Candidates applying for admission to second-cycle studies taught in English are accepted on the basis of an interview. The interview is conducted online via Google Meet. Candidates are informed about the date and result of the interview via the recruitment system.

Candidates who are to be interviewed for admission during the final year of the undergraduate degree program are required to upload in the recruitment system the following documents:

1. a transcript of records from all completed semesters with the used grading scale, and

2. a certificate of the student status that includes, but is not limited to, the following information:

  1. the name of an institution of higher education;
  2. the name of a study program;
  3. the date of commencement and the expected date of completion of studies
  4. name of the degree which will be awarded after completion of the studies. 

Detailed information on the admission process for English-language studies for holders of foreign diplomas is available on our website: Masters degree application process

Undertaking second-cycle studies

If your degree gives access to the next level of higher education also in Poland it gives the right to access education at the corresponding level (second-cycle studies, doctoral school).

Check online how foreign diplomas are recognized in Poland


Diplomas confirming the completion of higher education abroad do not give access to further studies in Poland if:

1. institutions which issued them or institutions in which the education was provided:
       a. were not accredited higher education institutions on the date of issuing the diploma or implemented a study programme which did not have accreditation on the date of issuing the diploma or
       b. do not operate within a higher education system of any country or
2. a higher education programme or its part was implemented against provisions of the country in which the education was provided.